Contact Us


90 Great William O’Brien Street,

Blackpool, Cork

T23 TR7A, Ireland

Phone: 021 4505118

Fax: 021 4506926

Opening Hours

Appointments are from 9.30 to 5.30 but we may be able to facilitate you before and after these times if you have unavoidable commitments.

Baby vaccination clinic every Thursday from 2.30pm to 3.30pm 

Out of hours/weekend phone number is SOUTHDOC 1850 335 999

 Morning (Appointments)           Afternoon (Appointments)
Monday9.30am - 12.30pm3pm-5.30pm 

House Calls

Please come to the surgery to see us if possible, You will usually be seen more quickly that way and we also have more facilities and equipment present. House call requests should be kept to an absolute minimum and requested before lunchtime.